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Meeting Name: Board of Legislators Agenda status: Final Consent
Meeting date/time: 4/25/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2022-168 11.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Sewer District Mod-Add-141 Furnace Woods Rd., Cortlandtpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2022-183 12.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Amendment to IMA-Mount Vernon-Memorial Fieldpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2022-139 11.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RP02A-Ice Casino Improvements IIadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-150 12.ACT - IMAsIMA-Enforcing West. Co. For-Hire Vehicle Law-MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-214 11.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-Bisesireferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-215 12.ACT - IMAsIMA-Youth Development Program-Mount Vernonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-216 13.ACT - IMAsIMA-Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow Summer Day Camp-Tarrytownreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-220 1SI. 4.ACTACT-Westchester Gas Tax Capreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-221 1SI. 5.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL26-1899-Flood Mitigationreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-222 1SI. 6.ACT - IMAsIMA-Flood Mitigation-BPL26-1899-Peekskillreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-223 1SI. 7.RESOLUTION - Home Rule RequestHOME RULE-A7939-S6659referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-224 1SI. 8.ACTACT-Naming Baseball Field-Bellitto Fieldreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-225 1SI. 9.ACTACT-Renaming Portion of Playland Parkway-John Carey Placereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-226 1SI. 10.ACT - IMAsIMA-Justice Assistance Grant-Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochellereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-227 1SI. 11.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Terminate Lease-NY Medical College-Munger Pavilionreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-228 1SI. 12.LOCAL LAWLOCAL LAW-Terminate Lease-NY Medical College-Munger Pavilionreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-230 1SI. 13.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-Terminate Lease-NY Medical College-Munger Pavilionreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-231 1SI. 14.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Enter Into Lease Agrmnt-NY Medical Collegereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-233 1SI. 15.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Enter Into Lease Agrmnt-NY Medical Collegereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-234 1SI. 16.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Amend Lease Agrmnts-NY Medical Collegereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-235 1SI. 17.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Amend Lease Agrmnts-NY Medical Collegereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-217 11.COMMUNICATIONHON. CATHERINE BORGIA - Appointment to the Westchester County Probation Advisory Boardreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-229 1SI. 2.ACT - IMAsACT - Ossining Union Free School District Basics Programreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-232 1SI. 3.ACT - IMAsCity of New Rochelle National Night Outreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-237 1SI. 4.COMMUNICATIONHON. DAMON R. MAHER - Proposed Amendment to County BOL Rulesreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-236 1 COMMUNICATION - Notice of PetitionCLERK OF THE BOARD - Gasoline Sales Tax CapreviewedPass Action details Not available
2022-14 11.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Arab American Advisory Board-JamaladoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-118 12.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH - Salary Range Posting Requirementadopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2022-132 13.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-JosephadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-133 14.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-MontanaadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-134 15.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-ScullyadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-135 16.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-WeathersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-137 17.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-African American Advisory Board-ThomasadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-145 18.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-African American Advisory Board-PriceadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-146 19.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Asian American Advisory Board-SinghadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-147 110.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Asian American Advisory Board-ParkadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-153 111.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-WCHCC-Community Mental Health ServicesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-160 112.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Assigned Counsel Board of Directors-AbadadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-161 113.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board-TubioloadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-169 114.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-Sewer District Mod-Add-141 Furnace Woods Rd.,CortlandtadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-170 115.ACTACT-Sewer District Mod-Add-141 Furnace Woods Rd., CortlandtadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-176 116.ACT - IMAsIMA-Police Officer Training Courses & Drills-MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-177 117.ACT - IMAsIMA-Services to Seniors-Yonkers & New RochelleadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-178 118.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Grant Agreement-NYSOFA-Older Americans ActadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-179 119.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Grant Agreements-NYSOFAadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-196 120.ACT - Amendment to AgreementACT-WCHCC-Add'l COVID-19 Testing Srvcs. to WCCadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-197 121.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Enter into Grant Agrmnt.-NYSOFA-State FundingadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-202 122.ACT - IMAsIMA(Amend)-Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program-YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-211 123.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Police Advisory Board-ReynoldsadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-212 124.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Police Board-KamensteinadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-156 1SI. 25.ACTACT - Litigation, 98 Washington Ave., PleasantvilleadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-191 1SI. 26.ACT - Capital Budget AmendmentCBA-A0102-Snow Equipment Storage BuildingadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-192 1SI. 27.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Enter into Grant Agreement with FAA-A0102adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-193 1SI. 28.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Agreement with New York State Nurses AssociationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-198 1SI. 29.ACT - IMAsIMA-Town Water Main & County Sewer Trunk Project-New CastleadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-199 1SI. 30.ACT - IMAsIMA(Amend)-Wireless Telecommunications Infrast. Master Plan-BedfordadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-201 1SI. 31.ACTACT - Settlement of Workers Comp Lien - M.D.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-181 11.ACT - Capital Budget AmendmentCBA-RMF02 & BLA1AadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-182 1+2.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RMF02-Reconstruction of Memorial Field, Mount VernonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-184 13.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Amendment to IMA-Mount Vernon-Memorial FieldadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-206 1SI. 4.RESOLUTIONRES-2022 Westchester County Federal Joint Legislative PackageadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-213 11.MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONMemorial Resolution 6-2022adoptedPass Action details Not available