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Meeting Name: Board of Legislators Agenda status: Final Consent
Meeting date/time: 5/24/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2021-292 11.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Sewer District Mod-Add-Cortlandtpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2021-213 12.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH - Amendments to the Co-op Disclosure Lawpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2021-290 13.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH - Earned Sick Leave for Domestic Workerspublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2021-296 11.ACTACT-Land Acquisition-1 Dromore Road, GreenburghadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-329 11.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Storm Water Advisory Board-Ciolireferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-330 12.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Advisory Council on People with Disabilities-Horowitzreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-331 13.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-Raizenreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-332 14.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Arab American Advisory Board-Sararreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-333 15.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Professional Prequalification Board-Senorreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-334 16.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Board of Ethics-Rudermanreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-335 17.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Hispanic Advisory Board-Oshiroreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-336 18.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Housing Opportunity Commission-Russellreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-337 19.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Board of Plumbing Examiners-Punnoosereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-338 110.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Board of Plumbing Examiners-Griffinreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-339 111.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RPL01-Pocantico Lakes Bldg Renovation & Site Workreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-340 112.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-RBR04-Bronx River Reservationreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-341 113.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-RBR04-Bronx River Reservationreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-342 114.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Regional Partnership Agreement-Dutchess & Putnam Countiesreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-343 115.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-Convey Real Property-Jefferson St., Town of Mamaroneckreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-344 116.ACTACT-Convey Real Property-Jefferson St., Town of Mamaroneckreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-345 117.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Agreement-County of Westchester & CSEAreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-346 118.ACTACT-Mortgage Tax Receipts - 10-1-20 through 3-31-21referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-350 1SI 19ACT - Amendment to AgreementACT-Amending Complete Streets Policyreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-351 1SI 20RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Vehicle Procurementreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-352 1SI 21LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Vehicle Procurementreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-353 1SI 22ACTACT-Transfer of Appropriations Across County Depts.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-354 1SI 23RESOLUTIONRES-Transfer of Appropriations Within Various Depts.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-355 1SI 24RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-187 Cottage Avenue, Mount Vernonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-356 1SI 25ACT - Capital Budget AmendmentCBA-BLA05-187 Cottage Avenue, Mount Vernonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-357 1SI 26ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BLA05-187 Cottage Avenue, Mount Vernonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-358 1SI 27ACTACT-Purchase of Real Property-187 Cottage Avenue, Mount Vernonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-359 1SI 1ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Lawsuit Settlement Leonardo v. Westchesterreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-327 11.COMMUNICATIONHON. BENJAMIN BOYKIN - Suspension of RulesreviewedPass Action details Not available
2021-349 11.COMMUNICATION - Notice of PetitionCLERK OF THE BOARD - First Quarter Financial Plan Update - 2021referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2021-347 11.COMMUNICATION - Notice of PetitionCLERK OF THE BOARD - Consent Judgment - Guenkel v. Mt. PleasantreviewedPass Action details Not available
2021-293 11.ACTACT-Sewer District Mod-Add-CortlandtadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-212 12.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawAmendments to the Co-op Disclosure Lawovered  Action details Not available
2021-289 13.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawEarned Sick Leave for Domestic WorkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-205 14.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Arab American Advisory Board-ElzoghbyadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-235 15.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT - EMS Advisory Board - O'ConnoradoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-236 16.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-PeiferadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-238 17.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-CostableadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-239 18.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-MeadeadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-240 19.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-HlushkoadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-241 110.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Storm Water Advisory Board-CoyneadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-273 111.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Hispanic Advisory Board-Muniz, Jr.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-275 112.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Professional Prequalification Board-FleisigadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-276 113.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board-HersamadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-298 114.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Amendment to Pesticide Notification Lawadopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2021-300 115.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Rent Guidelines Board-HameradoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-301 116.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-RHW01-Hillside Woods RestorationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-302 117.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RHW01-Hillside Woods RestorationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-303 118.ACT - IMAsIMA-Urban Forestry Mngmt. Proj.-RHW01-Hastings-on-HudsonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-308 119.ACTACT - Outside Counsel Agreement with the Wicks GroupadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-310 120.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Increase Veteran's Tax Exemptionsadopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2021-314 121.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-21 MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-322 122.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Airport Advisory Board-SchlactusadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-324 123.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-2 Grant Agreements with the State of New YorkadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-328 124.ACT - IMAsACT - City of Mt. Vernon Summer Basketball ProgramadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-312 1SI 25ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL30-76 Locust Hill Avenue, YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-313 1SI 26ACTACT-Land Acquisition-76 Locust Hill Avenue, YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-315 1SI 27ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC79-Roof Replacement Various BuildingsadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-316 1SI 28ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC83-Infrastructure Upgrade-Various BuildingsadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-317 1SI 29ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC85-Academic Arts Building Infrastructure UpgradeadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-318 1SI 30ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC90-Technology Upgrade Off Campus 2017-'18 - 2021-'22adoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-319 1SI 31ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC91-Technology Upgrade On-Campus 2017-'18 - 2021-'22adoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-325 1SI 32ACTACT-Permanent Easement-Mamaroneck WWTPadoptedPass Action details Not available
2021-348 1 MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONMemorial Resolution 10-2021adoptedPass Action details Not available