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Meeting Name: Board of Legislators Agenda status: Final Consent
Meeting date/time: 11/18/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-544 11.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Enter into Lease Agreement-MG MARTINE SPE LLC-11 Martine Avenue, White Plainspublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2024-546 12.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Amendments to the Westchester County Plumbing Licensing Lawpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2024-474 11.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV. RESO. - Amend Ground Lease Agreement with White Plains Aviation PartnersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-475 12.LOCAL LAWLL - Amend Ground Lease Agreement with White Plains Aviation PartnersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-476 13.ACTACT - Settlement with White Plains Aviation PartnersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-571 11.ACTACT-Proposed Appropriations & Tax Levies for 2025 Budgetreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-586 12.ACT - Amendment to AgreementACT-Retroactively Amend Grant Agreements-NYSOFA-CSE, etc.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-588 13.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RD017-MRF Transfer Station Rehab.-Amending Bond Act 99-2019referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-589 14.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RD017-MRF Transfer Station Rehab.-Amending Bond Act 85-2020referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-590 15.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-RD017-MRF Transfer Station Rehab.-Consolidated Bond Act Amending 215-2023referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-592 1SI. 6.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Pay Plan Amendmentreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-593 1SI. 7.LOCAL LAWLOCAL LAW-Pay Plan Amendmentreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-594 1SI. 8.ACT - Amendment to AgreementACT-Pay Plan Amendmentreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-595 1SI. 9.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL44-Public Housing Authority Improvementsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-596 1SI. 10.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Easement Agreements-Housing Authoritiesreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-597 1SI. 11.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-99 Church Street & 6 Cottage Place, White Plainsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-598 1SI. 12.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL30-99 Church Street & 6 Cottage Place, White Plainsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-599 1SI. 13.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL1A-99 Church Street & 6 Cottage Place, White Plainsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-600 1SI. 14.ACTACT-Land Acquisition-99 Church Street & 6 Cottage Place, White Plainsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-601 1SI. 15.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-IMDA-White Plains & WBP Development LLCreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-581 11.ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Lawsuit Winter v. Luftreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-585 12.ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Settlement to Recover Insurance Proceedsreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-580 11.COMMUNICATION - Memo of LegislationHON. ERIKA PIERCE - Free WC Park Passes for U.S. Military Veteransreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-587 12.COMMUNICATION - CorrespondenceHON. JAMES NOLAN - Mask Transparency Act Correspondencereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2024-582 11.COMMUNICATION - Notice of PetitionCLERK OF THE BOARD: Village of Mamaroneck Planning Dept. - Battery Energy Storage SystemsreviewedPass Action details Not available
2024-583 12.COMMUNICATIONCLERK OF THE BOARD: Pilot Agreement - 30 Water Street, OssiningreviewedPass Action details Not available
2024-584 13.COMMUNICATION - Notice of PetitionCLERK OF THE BOARD: Amended and Restated Tax Agreement - 155 Elliott Ave., YonkersreviewedPass Action details Not available
2024-539 11.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board- Neale, Jr.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-545 12.LOCAL LAW - Proposed Local LawLOCAL LAW-Enter into Lease Agreement-MG MARTINE SPE LLC-11 Martine Avenue, White PlainsadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-547 13.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Amendments to the Westchester County Plumbing Licensing Lawovered  Action details Not available
2024-555 14.ACTACT-Revised Investment PolicyadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-559 15.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Lease Agreement with State of New York for Space at 200 Bradhurst Avenue, Hawthorneadopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2024-564 16.ACTACT - Westchester County Board of Ethics - CovilladoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-568 17.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH - Proposed Inclusion of Additional Parcels to the WC Ag. Dist. No. 1adopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2024-572 18.ACT - IMAsIMA-Crime Scene Vehicle-PutnamadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-573 19.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-311 Welcher Avenue, PeekskilladoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-574 110.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BLA1A-Parkland and Historical Preservation Prgm-311 Welcher Avenue, PeekskilladoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-575 111.ACTACT-Land Acquisition-311 Welcher Avenue, PeekskilladoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-576 112.RESOLUTIONRESO-PH-2025 Westchester County BudgetadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-577 113.RESOLUTIONRES-2025 Westchester County Budget - Suspending Rules 9 & 11adoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-578 114.RESOLUTIONRES-2025 Westchester County Budget - PH Rules for In-person and WebEx SpeakersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-494 1SI. 15.COMMUNICATION - Memo of LegislationProposed Act Requiring Area Median and Local Area Median IncomeadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-565 1SI. 16.ACT - Amendment to AgreementACT-Retroactively Amend Grant Agreements-NYSOFA-Title III-B, etc.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-566 1SI. 17.ACTACT-Tourist Promotion Agency-2025adoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-567 1SI. 18.RESOLUTIONRES-Tourist Promotion Agency-2025adoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-386 1SI. 1.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Pistol License FeesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2024-579 11.MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONMEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS 17-2024adopted  Action details Not available