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Meeting Name: Board of Legislators Agenda status: Final Consent
Meeting date/time: 10/2/2023 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-187 11.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Establishing a Subcommittee of the African American Advisory Boardpublic hearing held  Action details Not available
2023-332 11.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPF33-Fire Suppression System Replacement & Upgrade, Parking Structure, WP ComplexadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-333 12.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPF33-Fire Suppression System Replacement & Upgrade, Parking Structure, WP ComplexadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-334 13.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPF34-Parking Facility Rehab., WP ComplexadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-337 14.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPF40-Michaelian Office Building Parking Garage Rehab.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-338 15.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPF40-Michaelian Office Building Parking Garage Rehab.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-426 11.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Asian American Advisory Board-Tangreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-427 12.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Asian American Advisory Board-Guptareferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-428 13.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Fair Housing Board-Bernhardreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-429 14.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Planning Board-Postreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-430 15.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Climate Smart Communities Task Force-Wiegmanreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-431 16.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Human Rights Commission-Poguereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-432 17.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-CC104-Campus Infrastructurereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-433 18.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board-Barrreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-423 11.ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Lawsuit Settlement Bryant v County of Westchesterreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-434 12.ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Lawsuit Settlement - "C.I." v. Hudson View Associates, LLC.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-435 11.COMMUNICATION - Memo of LegislationHON. JAMES NOLAN - Proposed Resolution Opposing Congestion Pricingreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-422 11.COMMUNICATION - CorrespondenceCLERK OF THE BOARD - Town of Bedford, Notice of Intent for 12 McLain StreetreviewedPass Action details Not available
2023-436 12.COMMUNICATIONCLERK OF THE BOARD - Application for Real Property Tax Exemption - Monastery Manor - YonkersreviewedPass Action details Not available
2023-438 1SI. 3.COMMUNICATIONHON. CATHERINE PARKER - Administrative Order re: Westchester Joint Water WorksreviewedPass Action details Not available
2023-439 1SI. 4.COMMUNICATIONHON. CATHERINE PARKER - Judgment Dismissing State Court Challenge to Filtration PlantreviewedPass Action details Not available
2023-440 1SI. 4.COMMUNICATIONHON. DAVID IMAMURA - Notification of Recusal - Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW) Filtration Plant in the Town of HarrisonreviewedPass Action details Not available
2023-188 11.LOCAL LAW - Amendment to Local LawLOCAL LAW-Establishing a Subcommittee of the African American Advisory BoardadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-190 12.ACTACT-Lead-Free Parks ActadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-191 13.ACTACT-Renewable Energy Database ActadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-315 14.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Regulation of Lithium Ion Batteriesadopted and public hearing setPass Action details Not available
2023-328 15.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT - Enter into Agreement with Tromberg, Morris & Poulin re: WCC Delinquent AccountsadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-372 16.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-WCC-Lease Extension-15 South 5th Avenue, Mount VernonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-390 17.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC82-Site Upgrade-Campus WideadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-391 18.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC88-Maintenance Building Infrastructure UpgradeadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-392 19.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC90-Technology Upgrade Off Campus '17-'18-'21-'22adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-393 110.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-WCC91-Technology Upgrade On Campus '17-'18-'21-'22adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-395 111.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT - Retain Bryant Rabbino LLP as Bond CounseladoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-397 112.ACT - Lawsuit SettlementACT - Settlement of Workers Comp Liem "A.Y."adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-189 1SI. 13.ACTACT-Equity in Environmental Legislation ActadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-363 1SI. 14.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL26-2235-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-364 1SI. 15.ACT - IMAsIMA-Flood Mitigation-BPL26-2235-North SalemadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-375 1SI. 16.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-BPL26-2236-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-376 1SI. 17.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPL26-2236-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-377 1SI. 18.ACT - IMAsIMA-BPL26-2236-Flood Mitigation-Rye BrookadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-384 1SI. 20.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-HarrisonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-385 1SI. 21.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-21 MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-386 1SI. 22.ACT - Capital Budget AmendmentCBA-BPL40-2257-Stormwater Mngmt.-Various Co. Fac. IIadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-387 1SI. 23.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPL40-2257-Stormwater Mngmt.-Various Co. Fac. IIadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-398 1SI. 24.ACT - IMAsIMA-Stormwater Sewer Study-Town of MamaroneckadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-401 1SI. 25.ACT - IMAsIMA - Village of Port Chester - National Night OutadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-413 1SI. 26.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL26-2324-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-414 1SI. 27.ACT - IMAsIMA-BPL26-2324-Flood Mitigation-YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-415 1SI. 28.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BPL26-2326-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-416 1SI. 29.ACT - IMAsIMA-BPL26-2326-Flood Mitigation-YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-417 1SI. 30.ACT - IMAsIMA-Mobile Radios for Police Vehicles-MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-437 11.MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONMemorial Resolutions 2023-15adoptedPass Action details Not available