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Meeting Name: Board of Legislators Agenda status: Final Consent
Meeting date/time: 1/23/2023 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-21 11.ACTACT-Fixing Tax Distribution Tablesreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-22 12.ACTACT-Fixing & Determining Amounts of County Gen'l Fund Taxesreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-24 1SI. 3.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Harrisonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-25 1SI. 4.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Harrisonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-26 1SI. 5.ACTACT-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Harrisonreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-27 1SI. 6.RESOLUTION - Public HearingPH-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Mount Pleasant & New Castlereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-28 1SI. 7.RESOLUTION - Environmental ResolutionENV RES-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Mount Pleasant & New Castlereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-29 1SI. 8.ACTACT-Sewer District Mod-Removal-Mount Pleasant & New Castlereferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-19 11.COMMUNICATIONHON. MARGARET A. CUNZIO - Removal from the Saw Mill Sewer District - 5 Charles Court, Chappaqua, NYreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-20 12.COMMUNICATIONHON. CATHERINE BORGIA: Appointment to Storm Water Advisory Board - Parkerreferred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-30 1SI. 3.COMMUNICATIONHON. NANCY BARR - Sewer Modification Request - 3 Mittman Rd.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-31 1SI. 4.COMMUNICATIONHON. NANCY BARR - Sewer Modification Request - 1 Mittman Rd.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-32 1SI. 5.COMMUNICATIONHON. NANCY BARR - Sewer Modification Request - 2 Mittman Rd.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2023-33 1SI. 6.COMMUNICATIONHON. NANCY BARR - Sewer Modification Request - 4 Mittman Rd.referred to committeePass Action details Not available
2022-525 11.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BIT4C-Employee Productivity Systems '18-'22adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-550 12.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Labs & Research Board of Managers-NowakadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-551 13.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Labs & Research Board of Managers-Davis-LortonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-561 14.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-SBB07-Phase I-Blind Brook WWTP Process Equip. Improves.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-562 15.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-SBB07-Phase II-Blind Brook WWTP Process Equip. Improves.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-564 16.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-SW022-Sewer District Heavy Equipment ReplacememtadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-566 17.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-SY026-Yonkers Joint WRRF Structural RehabilitationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-575 18.COMMUNICATIONREAPPT-Westchester County Storm Water Advisory Board-SeligsonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-587 19.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Board of Plumbing Examiners-BartoliniadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-588 110.RESOLUTION - AppointmentAPPT-Community Services Board-HaagenadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-589 111.RESOLUTION - ReappointmentREAPPT-Police Board-WishnieadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-5 112.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BIT 50-Acquisition and Installation of Servers and Related Equipment for the Dept. of ITadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-8 113.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-BIT6D, BIT9A, BIT29, BIT45, BIT47, BIT53, BIT54adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-15 114.ACT - IMAsIMA-E-911 Service-45 MunicipalitiesadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-526 1SI. 15.ACT - IMAsIMA-Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES-Project BRIGHTadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-527 1SI. 16.ACT - Enter Into AgreementACT-Municipal Mutual Aid & Assistance Agrmnt.-Municipalities, etc.adoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-577 1SI. 17.ACT - Amendment to AgreementIMA(Amend)-School Resource Officer-Hendrick Hudson School Districtovered  Action details Not available
2022-578 1SI. 18.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-New RochelleadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-579 1SI. 19.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-580 1SI. 20.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-PeekskilladoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-581 1SI. 21.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-Mount VernonadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-582 1SI. 22.ACT - IMAsIMA-Prisoner Transportation-GreenburghadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-585 1SI. 23.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT(Amended)-BPL26-2001-Flood MitigationadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-586 1SI. 24.ACT - Amendment to AgreementIMA (Amend)-Flood Mitigation-Village of MamaroneckadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-601 1SI. 25.ACT - IMAsIMA-School Resource Officer-Katonah-Lewisboro School DistrictadoptedPass Action details Not available
2022-602 1SI. 26.ACT - IMAsIMA-Justice Assistance Grant-YonkersadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-4 1SI. 27.ACT - Bond ActBOND ACT-A0134, A0138, A0140-Various Capital Projects-Westchester County AirportadoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-23 1SI. 28.ACTACT - Opioid Settlement (Teva and its distributor Anda)adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-18 11.MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONMemorial Resolutions 2-2023adoptedPass Action details Not available